The area where you can enter the Calculator + ƒ formulas. This space will also display the result of the valculation after pressing the Enter key.
This button changes Calculator + ƒ mode for decimal numbers.
This button changes Calculator + ƒ mode results for binary numbers. Binary numbers can be prefixed with the character # code> before.
This button changes Calculator + ƒ mode results for hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers can be prefixed with the character # code> before.
With this button you can switch between 8 -, 16 - and 32-bit resolution or unsigned for binary and hexadecimal numbers. This affects the output results and the interpretation of binary numbers.
Changes the mode for angle calculations to 360 °.
Changes the mode for angle calculations to radians.
Changes the mode for angle calculations to Gon.
Switches between normal representation (180 ..) and scientific (1.8 E + ). If you are faced with a very large number, you must enable scientific way, if not, you can cause inaccuracies in the result.
This button opens the extension drawer of Calculator + ƒ. This drawer incorporates functions, user-defined functions, binary functions and calculation log.
Opening and closing brackets. Calculator + ƒ supports unlimited nesting of brackets.
The semicolon is used as a delimiter for functions with several parameters.
Returns the unsigned value of a number.
PI constant with high accuracy.
Power operator. Examples: 3^3 = 27 , 7^2 = 49 , 2^8 = 256
Square root.
Root function. root(x; y) corresponds to the inverse function x^(1/y) Ejemplo: root(27; 3) = 3
Note for all trigonometric functions the mode setting to calculate angles.
Sine function.
Cosine function.
Tangent function.
Arcsine function.
Arccosine function.
Arctangent function.
e is the Euler number.
Logarithm base e.
Natural logarithm.
Percentage delta.
Delete the entry area.
Returns the result of the formula.
Input keys for numbers.
Displays the standard functions in the extension drawer. (more)
Displays the custom functions in the extension drawer. (more)
Displays the binary functions in the extension drawer. (more)
Displays the log in the extension drawer.
deg(x) converts the number of the specified mode for trigonometric functions in current mode for trigonometric functions.
rad(x) converts the number of the specified mode for trigonometric functions in current mode for trigonometric functions.
grd(x) converts the number of the specified mode for trigonometric functions in current mode for trigonometric functions.
Note for all trigonometric functions the mode setting to calculate angles. |
Hyperbolic sine.
Hyperbolic cosine.
Hyperbolic tangent.
Inverse hyperbolic sine.
Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
fac(x) displays the factorial of the x number.
int(xy) shows the integer part of x .
floor(x,y) rounds x to y decimal places. Always rounded up.
ceil(x,y) rounds x to y decimal places. Always rounded up.
round(x,y) rounds x to y decimal places. Always rounded up.
Determines the sign of a number. Returns 1 code> if the number is positive, returns -1 code> if the number is negative, returns 0 if the number is 0.
Returns the smallest argument from a list of arguments.
Returns the biggest argument from a list of arguments.
rnd(x) returns a random integer between 1 and x .