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Calculator + ƒ v4.5 released
edv & medien
Posted on
December 27, 2021
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Calculator +
Calculator + ƒ v4.5 was officially released for Mac.
What’s New in Version 4.5:
Calculator + ƒ is compatible with macOS Monterey
Native support for Apple Silicon (ARM64) in addition to Intel 64
Safe + for Mac v11.1.8 released
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Safe +
Safe + is a versatile password manager app for iPhone and iPad that also protects your photos and contacts.
Safe + for Mac
Safe + allows you to store and organize your sensitive data on your Mac
Mood Stickers
Stickers for your messages.
One sticker says more than thousand words!
Calculator + ƒ
Calculator + ƒ is a powerful, extensible calculator accepting natural formula notation running on the Mac.
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